Why Did You Start Dear Anaya?

As a divorcee of a domestic violent marriage with small children involved, I set my sight on all the ones that are going through or have walked through similar paths. My oldest went through a four-year spell of suicide attempts; in some, she overdosed, drank bleach, or had to get over 100 stitches. We got out in time for my little one not to get the backlash from a marriage gone wrong. As we soon found, alcoholism breaks families apart. The only way we could leave is while my ex-husband was at work. I packed what I could in my small Chevy Spark and took my children to safety.

Uplifting women and children became my number one goal. In doing so, I created an array of options for the single, divorced, and widowed mother who can still manage to take care of her family and buy a home, fix their credit, and live an abundant life. I decided to combine my expertise in business, bookkeeping, and digital marketing into a one-stop shop and offer all within the same platform. First, I had to be pushed over the edge! I started to go after the things I was naturally great at. I stopped doubting myself. I started to love who I was again. It was a journey, especially after being called stupid throughout the course of my marriage. I began to come back to myself and do the things I loved again. I am a designer. I love math. We are a business. What was my calling?

Between a failed marriage, 19 years of experience in business, and a passion for science, I began Dear Anaya. In 2017, I had an “a-HA” moment, and I thought Anaya. I researched what the name meant, and I found it meant “God Answers”. Going through my divorce still, I just meditated on the word. When I finally left, I started searching for answers. What was my calling? It’s amazing what you can get done in peace and quiet. You start to hear your ideas much more audibly. My world wasn’t spinning anymore.

My love for science was formed during my freshman year of college when I was sitting in the back of my Intro to Humanities class when, my professor stood and began to speak, “How is it we have free will, yet everything is predetermined.”

Then, he takes his desk chair and pushes it across the front of the class, and says, “Did I push it by free will, or were my course of actions predetermined? Did I ever have free will?”

I knew he was mocking Christianity, but why? My perfect world was interrupted. I kind of wanted to know the same. Now, I needed to know the same.

I left class that day angry and defeated but not empty. No. I was ready for the same answers Professor What’s His Face wanted. I wanted to know the truth. I sought out the truth, and this is what I found. My questions were answered through physics, psychology, anatomy, nutrition, ecology, math, accounting, physical law, legal law, and more. God is in everything because his “kingdom”, or state, is the science of sonoluminescence; that is, the state of light and sound. The “kingdom of death” is the kingdom of fungi. It sounded so mythological and mystical until I realized they were both scientific terms. He is the Great I AM. He is Matter! This is my story and my gift to the world.

I started to go after the things I was naturally great at. I stopped doubting myself. I started to love who I was. It was a journey, especially after being called stupid throughout the course of my marriage. I began to come back to myself and do the things I loved again. I am a designer. I have the gift of organizational leadership. I am a business. You ARE a business.

I hope you feel my love as you sift through the pages of the site.

Remember: no one is more beautiful or intelligent than you!

You’ll never have competition if you’re doing something you love.