#HowToForgiveWhenYouAreStillAngry #HowToForgiveSomeoneWhoHurtYouEmotionally #HowToForgiveSomeoneYouLove #HowToForgiveBible #5ImportanceofForgiveness #HowToForgiveWhenYouAreStillAngryBible #LearningHowToForgiveBook #HowToForgiveSomeoneWhoHurtYouInARel

How Do I Forgive?

Before I can explain how to forgive, we have to talk about the foundation of the truth. Without the foundation, we won’t be able to understand why forgiveness has to be done in this way. How can we support ourselves if we don’t know what a spirit is?

Here is the breakdown of forgiveness:

**1. What is a Spirit:

#HowToForgiveWhenYouAreStillAngry #HowToForgiveSomeoneWhoHurtYouEmotionally #HowToForgiveSomeoneYouLove #HowToForgiveBible #5ImportanceofForgiveness #HowToForgiveWhenYouAreStillAngryBible #LearningHowToForgiveBook #HowToForgiveSomeoneWhoHurtYouInARel

2 Corinthians 10:5: casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Anytime the Bible uses the word “and”, it gives us the definition of the first part of scripture. Firstly, imaginations are motion pictures. They are images in motion. It’s a movie. Who is God? God is truth, peace, joy, etc. Christ is also God the Father. Yes, he’s the son, but he’s the son because God’s words are also him. His words are spirit, and they are life. I once had a dream that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit were the same image. It was as if someone Photoshopped the head onto all bodies. In my dream, I knew I was on the throne on God’s shoulders. What I was looking at was his face. But it wasn’t just one face. It wasn’t just one body either. I was surrounded by clouds. God the Father was a middle-aged man. God the Son was a man in his thirties, and God the Holy Spirit was a 1-year-old babysitting on heaven’s floor (a cloud) in Pampers. All three faces were the same. The word thought describes the imagination.

Narrow Console Table, 3-tier Entryway Table, Thin Sofa Table with Shelves, Side Table, Display Table, Hallway, Living Room, Bedroom, Rustic Brown and Black

The other day, I needed a narrow table under my floating TV in the living room. This is perfect for tight spaces. I love how functionality meets the industrial look here! All that’s missing is a brick accent wall in the back.


Concluding that the Son and Holy Spirit are different versions of the Father. Our God is 3-in-1. It’s because the other two versions are his words. The words thought and imagination are interchangeable; similar to Einstein’s E=MC2. Energy and matter are interchangeable. All a spirit is, is a thought. Spirits are thoughts according to the Bible. Genesis 8:21: And the Lord smelled a soothing aroma. Then the Lord said in His heart, “I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.” Here, the Bible calls the imagination the heart. This is interesting because I was taught that the imagination is in the head and not the chest cavity. Ephesians 4:23: and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Here, the scripture says that the spirit is the mind. Matthew 22:37: Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’” Your mind, soul, heart, and strength are all mean the same thing. They are all your entire image. Your mind is your spirit, soul, heart, and strength. The intentions that are produced from all four are what God or the Devil are.

2. What is Forgiveness:

Forgiveness is a violent act: Their spirit has been cast on you. Think of a net or fishing pole. When you fish, you cast the tool into the water for length. Fish won’t be waiting for you by the shore, so you have to cast it into a deeper part. Forgiveness is one, giving it to God; two, it is casting their spirit off of you. The word “for” is a belonging or possession, and “giving” is the act of giving something you own away. Sure, it hurts to be hurt, but we have to know when it’s time to take it off, too. Have you ever heard of getting a person off your mind, or having someone on your mind? Their image or spirit is on you; that’s why you’re thinking of the person. Forgiving isn’t easy, but it is a mental act you have to do to clean your thoughts. We give those thoughts of pain back because they don’t serve us, primarily. Secondly, spirits can lay on us like an article of clothes. This is why the Bible says things like taking off the garment of heaviness and putting on the garment of praise. Most importantly of all, no one can get back at the person who hurts us more than God can. No one. The seed we sow when we hurt people is sown on our own bodies. The Bible says people are trees. If people are trees, then what is a seed? You guessed it, people. If we do something to hurt another person, that seed is sown in our own bodies before it reaches the other person. Why? Because the thought was a seed. If we believe the thought/seed, it becomes part of us and is buried inside of us. Later, it grows into a seed. The person will experience pain from someone they trust and would have never suspected. That’s why we pray for our enemies because that pain isn’t something I’d wish on anyone. It happened to me earlier last year. I was unkind to some people I worked with in 2013, and that seed was fully grown by 2023. The seeds were trees, and those trees were many people. I had an entire family that robbed me of thousands of dollars. That’s how forgiveness works.

3. Why Do We Forgive:

We All Fall Short of The Glory: When the scripture says we all fall short of the glory of God, it is saying we all fall short of the glory of God in each person. Psalms 82:6 says, “I said, “You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High. But you shall die like men and fall like one of the princes.” We forgive because we are human. The princes, that was Satan that fell. The serpent spirit is the reptilian brain which is the primitive brain. It’s located at the top of the spine in the brain stem. This part of the brain sends signals to the amygdala which is responsible for responses of fear. It’s also inherited the name of the baby gate. This is the gates of hell. I had a dream that I was in heaven with God the Father and God the Son. See, God the Holy Spirit is in us, so I knew that he was my key into heaven. I knew I didn’t see him because he was me. In my dream, the focus zoomed out of heaven, and I was able to see what heaven was. The focus zoomed out of my mind, and I was able to see my body. Then, I saw God the Father and God the Son looking down a deep tunnel. Then, the sort of movie zoomed in, and I was able to see my mouth. I was then reminded of the scripture in James 3:6, “And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity.

Lavish Home Set of 2 Nesting End Tables with Storage, Brown

Guys, you know I’m a sucker for cute meeting functionality. If you’re a mom, you know we need both. Everything has to have a storage purpose, especially in tight spaces.


The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire by hell.” In this scripture, the Bible is calling the tongue a member of hell. 1 Corinthians 12:12 says, “For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.” The tongue can either be a member of hell or a member of heaven. Song of Solomon 4:11 says, “Your lips, O my spouse, Drip as the honeycomb; Honey and milk are under your tongue; And the fragrance of your garments Is like the fragrance of Lebanon.” Now this part says that the tongue is heaven. Think about it. Adam and Eve were cast out of heaven: The Garden of Eden. Later in the Bible, God starts calling heaven “The Promised Land”. This land was said to be flowing with milk and honey. The milk and honey were God’s words. The land is our bodies. That’s why God is called Lord; it’s a legal term. The body belongs to him; He’s the landlord. We forgive because we all fall short of the glory of God, and God designed it that way. The body is literally hell, and we have to be transformed by the renewing of the spirit of the mind. This is the renewing. While people renew, we are patient with them. Believing in God is believing in men with patience and poise. Mercy triumphs over judgment. (James 2:13)

4. How Do I Forgive:

Tell the person’s image to get off of you: Since casting is a violent act, their spirit gets off of you. Remember, it may take more than once or twice. Do this and close your eyes. When I look in the spirit realm, all I am doing is looking in my mind/memory. We are all memory. That’s the spirit. A prophecy is you looking in your memory in the future. Our entire lives are stitched into our individual mind aka spirit. Isaiah 61:3 says, “To console those who mourn in Zion. To give them beauty for ashes. The oil of joy for mourning. The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. That they may be called trees of righteousness. The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.” Here, the Bible identifies us as trees; that would be the brain and nervous systems are the roots. Ashes and oil are usually what the Bible says to pour on our head in mourning or happiness. Then, it describes spirits to be garments. A “demon” is just a thought, and an “angel” is just a thought. Angels are God’s thoughts, and Demons are also God’s thoughts. Words are God’s “children”. That’s why we are sons of God. (Psalms 82:6)

Sectional Sofa, Faux Leather Mid-Century Modern Reversible Couch, L-shaped 3-seat Sofa Couch with Chaise for Living Room

I love, love, love this couch. It’s a must-have in the living room and perfect for entertaining guests. I love that it’s so sleek, yet masculine simultaneously! A perfect his and hers centerpiece.


That’s also why the Bible calls Lucifer the son of the morning (God), and Christ the son of the morning (God). When we are thinking something, the thought has clothed us. That’s also why the Bible says, “So a man thinks, so is he.” Men are humans. To forgive, we have to take those thoughts off of us like clothes. Take the person’s image/spirit off of you to forgive the person. You are God; we are God. If a negative thought comes on us, we can’t see heaven. The thing is, we are always in heaven. We can’t see it if a thought of darkness comes on us. What You are Looking For: The person’s image should appear in your mind. Keep telling the person to get off you. Until you don’t see their image any more. What you may see afterward is a cat, dog, or serpent. Either way, it’s a serpent. All thoughts are serpents. Remember, the enemy is a liar and the father of lies. Again, the word “father” only refers to the one who spoke it. If you see any other image other than a serpent, you still dissipate the serpent. Because what you see is the lie, and the truth is that the beast of hell is the serpent.

5. Where Is Forgiveness Stored:

You’re Sowing a Seed in Your Own Body: The parable of the Sower pertains to this scripture. Good isn’t the only thing sown into our minds and stitched into our memory banks. Every act is a seed. Everything we do is a seed. Everything we learn is a seed. Proverbs 4:23: Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. This is everything you do. Don’t put yourself in certain environments. **6. When is it Imperative to Let Go: Matthew 10:13: If the household is worthy, let your peace come upon it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. 2 Corinthians 5:1: For we know that if our earthly house, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. We are houses: I had a dream one time of giant men walking around with houses on their heads. Our spirits are our minds, hearts, souls, imagination, and house. You let go because: We have houses. If you go into a house, send it your peace. Your peace in your image. Therefore, if someone is not going to be worthy of your peace, you can’t even so much as let that person see you. Forgiveness has a boundary according to the Bible.

Conclusion: A Transformative Process The process of forgiveness is why the Bible says to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. You need all your mind back, not just a piece of it. There’s this song that says, “I left my soul in his vision,” because our memories are our spirits. If you’re having a difficult time forgiving, perhaps it’s time you try to forgive this way.

Katherinne Stamper

As a single mom of three, managing my business while caring for my children is my top priority. I aim to care for your properties as if they were my own. Navigating property management in the city is our priority, including managing DHCR, HPD, the Department of Health, Section 8, and NYC accounting and reporting. At Dear Anaya, we empower victims of domestic violence with Biblical principles, working to restore families, support single mothers, and heal broken children.


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