Jesus’ return: Revelation explained part III

#Jesusiscomingonacloud #TheEightPrayerWatches #IntermittentFasting #CognitiveBrain #MentalHealth #PsychologicalTrauma #TraumaTreatment #TraumaSymptoms #Causesoftrauma #Fasting

Jesus’ Return: What Does The Scripture Mean?

Guys, there was this woman who walked up to me in Wal-Mart the other day. She introduces herself and tells me she’s from a church. I felt like I already knew where it was going. She asked me if I was ready for Jesus to return the second time. Inside I said, here we go.

I said, “Jesus already returned. Doesn’t he live inside of you?”

She says, “No.”

I said to myself, “Aw man, this should be interesting.”

I can’t remember what else she was going to say next, but I could feel myself blocking her out. I wanted to be nice and seat and “Christian Like”, but she starts arguing with me. She wasn’t going to be able to receive anything I had to say because she believed her pastor over reading the Word herself. Isn’t that why most people aren’t able to connect with God?

Guys, God returns in the night hour. I know many people call it the witch hour, but it’s really the hour of most angelic activity, too.

In Matthew 26:40 Jesus reprimands the disciples and says, “Could you not watch with me one hour?” That’s all it takes. It’s just one single hour out of our 24 hours; it’s just going to cost you your sleep. What price are you willing to pay? The one hour of watching out for the thief, or the one hour we’re watching out for heaven. Here’s my suggestion. God requires the hour. It’s not subjective. We believe it is, but it’s not. It’s a requirement and when we don’t do it, we reap the consequences of being robbed whether it’s of our goods, health, innocence, children, etc. What will you forfeit tonight?

Prayer is manifestation. Do you remember in the church when we were little that if someone started to convulse and fall all over the place, we’d say they were manifesting? That whatever was inside of them was going crazy in the atmosphere of worship. OMG, but people can manifest in the angelic, too. Manifestation doesn’t always have to look super creepy.

The way prayer is, manifestation is by faith. Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for and the evidence of the unseen. What is a substance? It’s a vapor of things hoped for. What is the evidence of the unseen? It is what we see in our imagination. It is evident to us, but it would be evident to anyone if we worked on the positive imagery, we saw in our imaginations more than the negative we see. For example, faith is the substance of things hoped for (our dreams & visions), and the evidence of things unseen. Then, the Bible says that things in the seen are made from the unseen. Those are protons, neutrons, and electrons: the building blocks of matter. Did I lose you? LOL. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are subatomic particles that make up just one atom, but the elements are many different counts of each one that make up elements such as iron, magnesium, gold, etc. Since we know that subatomic particles are what make up what we see, touch, inhale, feel, and hear, we know that it’s how we manifest a thing to life. For example, think of the periodic table with all the different elements we know and love today. That is our house, car, house plants, children, and so on. If that’s how God manifested the world, then why don’t we try it? Eh, eh (elbow nudge).

Back to regular programming. LOL.

Prayer is manifestation. In the mid-night hour, it is the easiest to manifest your desires. Whether it’s in a loved one that is sick, or in our children that are “demon-possessed” like that one lady Jesus called a little dog (LOL), or in a mean boss that needs Jesus. Choose your pick, but you manifest easier at night while people are asleep, and they aren’t able to fight you. At this time, you are completely talking to their subconscious. Pretty sweet, eh? Anyone who knows the spirit realm knows how important the watch hour is. I don’t believe it would be in the Bible exemplifying Jesus’ life if he didn’t deem it important. Performing miracles starts during the wee hours of the morning.

The Fast That Started It All

#Jesusiscomingonacloud #TheEightPrayerWatches #IntermittentFasting #CognitiveBrain #MentalHealth #PsychologicalTrauma #TraumaTreatment #TraumaSymptoms #Causesoftrauma #Fasting

So... what’s the fuss with all this mid-night prayer talk, eh? Ok, in 2021 I completed a forty day fast where I went without both meat and wine. All I did was take the two scriptures and maxed them out. At the time, I had no idea why this fast worked so well. Now, I know it’s just because I stopped consuming animal blood. Now, I eat Kosher only. I sometimes may eat regular salt, but I try not to do it often. What I absolutely won’t eat, however, is regular meat without the proper blood drainage. That’s vital guys. I have to tell you. When witches get more “power” in the spirit realm, it’s because they take animals, drain their blood, and drink the blood. If you’re not eating drained animal meat, that’s what you’re doing. You’re basically doing witchcraft on yourself. Sheesh. Here’s the thing: your brain cannot take that much blood. I highly believe it’s what contributes to depression, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and various other mental illnesses. What’s happening is, it’s shutting down cognition.

Linus Pauling Institute says cognition basically means using your brain. It is a very broad term that includes many varied and complex brain activities (or cognitive functions), such as attention, memory, processing speed, and executive functions (i.e., reasoning, planning, problem solving, and multitasking). (Cognitive Function in Brief. 2023.)

In case you were wondering, Alzheimer’s is categorized as a mental illness in the DSM-5 TR’. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the APA published a text revision version in 2022, the DSM-5-TR. This text revision version includes updates and changes to the DSM-5 that reflect changes and updates in mental health practice since 2013. That makes the DSM-5-TR the preferred version, as it's the most current and accurate version of this resource. (DSM-5: What it is & what it Diagnoses. 2022.)

The thing about meat is that the blood is eating at your cognitive brain. That is the brain that is behind your forehead and is your cortex. You’d want to protect that part of your brain at all costs, because once you start to lose it: you know what’s next. I wish the best for you, but what happens when you have lost it? How can we lose it? I’m glad you asked... The answer is trauma!

What Happens to The Brain During Trauma?

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For example, if you’re on a roller coaster, your sensory information is “fear, speed, stress, excitement, not life-threatening.” The amygdala can read the emotional significance of the event as it’s a fun ride which you’ll be off in three minutes. The amygdala stores the visual images of trauma as sensory fragments, which means the trauma memory is not stored like a story, rather by how our five senses were experiencing the trauma at the time it was occurring. The memories are stored through fragments of visual images, smells, sounds, tastes, or touch. Consequently, after trauma, the brain can easily be triggered by sensory input, reading normal circumstances as dangerous. (Calming trauma - how understanding the brain can help. 2019.)

How Do I Get Rid of Trauma?

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Here’s the interested part about the brain. Hebrew 5:13-14 says, “13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. 14 But solid food belongs to those who are [a]of full age, that is, those who by reason of [b]use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. How do you heal trauma then you may ask? By fasting, that is. Fasting has the same effect on the gut’s microbiome that exercise does. The point is starving the bad bacteria that is feeding the senses more sensory reminders of the past because trauma starts and ends at the gut. When you complete no food fasts, those are fasts you can complete for hours, days, or weeks, you reset the 10 cranial nerves which are all connected through the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is one of the 10 cranial nerves that helps the brain reset from the gut. Ephesians 4:23 says, “be renewed in the spirit of the mind.” The spirit is the mind. Genesis 8:21 says, “the imagination of a (hu)man’s heart is evil from his youth.” This means the imagination is the heart. Therefore, the getting rid of trauma is renewing the mind, or the spirit. Funny thing is, when the Bible says to love the Lord your God with all of your mind, with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your strength, it’s naming different locations of the body. The mind is the brain, and also the spirit. The heart is the imagination, and also in the middle of the chest cavity. The soul is the gut, and the vagus nerve. Finally, the strength is the legs. That is the strength of a (hu)man. The Bible is commanding that you love God with all of your body because that vibration is how you will be able to be one with God. How can you be one with God and you can’t see him? The ultimate truth is to know what he looks like. That’s true “worship”. After completing at least 6 months’ worth of 40 day no meat & no wine fasts, this is what finally happened to me.

I Desire Obedience Over Sacrifice

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I finally sat down and watched one of my favorite animated shows, Superbook, with my little one. We were watching the episode with Samuel and King Saul: the one that shows King Saul rebels against what God told him to do. 1 Samual 15:22 So Samuel said: “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams. 23 For rebellion is as the sin of [d]witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.”

What does all this mean in relation to fasting? After I would complete every fast, I would go right back to eating meat with blood and non-Kosher items. In this process, I would completely kill my senses all over again. I remember completing another no meat fast, and then I went to a cousin’s birthday party with regular ground beef tacos. I could feel my senses dying on my tongue. Where I could taste mold and death in the food, I felt my tongue tingling with the touch of the meat. Then, it just stopped. I felt my tongue go numb. What’s the point?

1 Timothy 4:1-5 says, “Now the Spirit [a]expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is [b]sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” The Bible says here not to stop eating meat. Everything in the spirit realm or concerning the cognitive brain is a matter of discipline. There’s a perfect balance to life. Acts 15:29 says, “That you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what has been strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well.” Leviticus 19:26 says, “You shall not eat any flesh with the blood in it. You shall not interpret omens or tell fortunes.” This scripture talks about the dog, the sexually immoral, or the ones who practice witchcraft. Notice how the scripture couples the two together. What the Bible does say is to not be a lover of meat. Proverbs 23:20-21 says, “Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.” It’s not because these things are bad for you, but too much of it is bad for the body, the brain, and the chemicals that are being produced in the gut’s microbiome.

All in all, eat meat. Just make sure you don’t eat a strangled animal, its blood, and be sure to stay away from mold. Christ said that he didn’t come to abolish the law, but he came to fulfill it. The laws in Leviticus still stand, and not following them is what’s making us sick. But... what does all of that have to do with the return of Christ?

How is Jesus Coming Back in A Cloud

#Jesusiscomingonacloud #TheEightPrayerWatches #IntermittentFasting #CognitiveBrain #MentalHealth #PsychologicalTrauma #TraumaTreatment #TraumaSymptoms #Causesoftrauma #Fasting

After completing the 40-day no food fast, it was mayhem. Before I went on the fast, I’d just completed 4 40-day no meat no wine fasts. I heard God say, “Now do a no food fast for 40-days.” 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,” This is the scripture that tells us spirits are imaginations and thoughts. When I thought, “Now do a no food fast for 40-days,” I knew it wasn’t my own thoughts, and I knew it was God. I refused. I didn’t want to. I said, “I already did 4 40-day no meat fasts. I’m tired God I want to eat.” He said do it, or I can’t take you where I’m about to take you. I completed it, and a month later, I ended up in the hospital with vertigo. I moved back to New York with my dad for financial support. I started to go blind and couldn’t walk. I went to the emergency room and was hospitalized for two weeks. The Bible says that God releases fiery serpents to kill the people, and he heals the people with a bronze serpent wrapped around a wooden staff. It was no doubt I fell ill, and it was God that allowed it. God that made it happen. The next fast I did was again, a no meat, no wine fast, with windows to eat. It was very disciplined. This fast was one from the spirit of perversion. You’d think it is just one from sex, but there’s so much more to this fast. The spirit of perversion is the Anti-Christ, or how I have learned it to be: anti-matter according to physics. The description of anti-matter or dark matter from 13.8 billion years ago fits the bill, and it is the spirit of Jezebel (Anti-Christ). After completing 21 out of the 40 days of the fast, I was woken up around 3 AM by a thought that said, “Get up. Tonight, we’re astral projecting.” I coiled out of bed like a spring and stood in the middle of my bedroom. I knew to place my hands above my head, so I did. My body started growing out of my body, my room, the state of New York, and the world. The world was as big as a hand ball, and I was holding it in my palm. Then, I heard another thought tell me, “Blow on it for a fresh perspective,” so I did. Then, I kept growing. Phillipians 3:21 says, “21 who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.

I landed on an all-golden floor slab. I knew the floor slab was heaven’s floor. Ironically, the golden slab was being held up by clouds. In front of the golden slab, I saw a throne. The throne was all golden. I saw a man sitting on the throne, but I couldn’t see his head at first. The throne was wooden. It was a tree trunk. The trunk went all the way down below the clouds, but the man sitting on the throne and the throne were golden. I couldn’t see past the shoulders. It was hidden by clouds. The night vision ended. The next night, it was the same. I jumped out of bed and started astral projecting out of earth again. Everyone astral projects by the way. Anytime you are remembering a traumatic experience, you have just astral projected out of your own body and traveled time to be stuck in a memory of the past. This is what people call “emotionally unavailable”.

Once I reached what I knew to be the court of heaven, I was there and God told me, “Come sit on my lap.”

I said, “Ewl, no you pervert.” Now, I knew I was talking to God the father, but when you worship in spirit and in truth, there’s nothing you can keep hidden. This is your subconscious, and it is very honest. He didn’t care; he began to pull me to sit on his lap. I was molested on a man’s lap, and the one that was the pervert was me. Not God. I perverted the truth of sitting on the throne. This is an everlasting throne, but God didn’t need to die for it to be my throne too. For it to be all of our throne. When I sat there, I saw Jesus coming from the right-hand side of the throne.

He said, “Do you remember when the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to me with her sons, kneeling down and asking something from Him.

21 And I said to her, “What do you wish?”

She said to me, “Grant that these two sons of mine may sit, one on Your right hand and the other on the left, in Your kingdom.”

22 But I answered and said, “You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, [e]and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?”

They said to me, “We are able.”

23 So I said to them, “You will indeed drink My cup, [f]and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with; but to sit on My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father.” (Matthew 20:20-23)

Then, Jesus says, “That place is yours. It was prepared for the widow and the orphan.” That’s the cup of suffering that needed to be consumed.”

The next night, I continued my fast and traveling to what I found was heaven. I remember scoping the throne. I asked God, “are you made out of gold?” Why are you all golden?

By the next night before I went to sleep, I was worshiping. During worship, I saw the throne. The person of Jesus and I were one. As I worshiped, my voice was his voice. There was a golden mist coming out my mouth and Jesus’s mouth that was falling on heaven’s floor and the throne. Psalm 22:3 says, “Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.” Holy just means the number one in Hebrew. He was golden because he is enthroned on the praises of his people.

The next night, I was able to see what was on time of his shoulders. Night after night, I remember thinking, “How am I going to get up there?” Once I finally got up there, I stood on the cloud that sat on top of his shoulders. There I was able to see his face. There wasn’t one face, but three faces. I saw God the father, God the son, and God the Holy Spirit. God the Father looked like a middle-aged man. God the son looked to be in His thirties. God the Holy Spirit was a 1-year-old baby sitting on God’s shoulders in a diaper.

Revelation 1:7-8 says, “Look, Jesus is coming with the clouds, and everyone will see him, even those who stabbed him. And all peoples of the earth will cry loudly because of him. Yes, this will happen! Amen.

8 The Lord God says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the One who is and was and is coming. I am the Almighty.”

Jesus returning on a cloud is in the middle of the night during your watch hour. You can have visions of him, but it’s in the mid-night hour that you will experience heaven. Matthew 25:1-4 talks about ten virgins that took their lamps to go and meet the bridegroom, or Christ. The oil that lasted the five and didn’t last the other five was the way they lived their lives: fasting, praying, and obedience. Notice how scripture immediately after says, “I am the Alpha and Omega.” The more we regulate our bodies, the more our bodies come to peace and harmony. The Alpha brain wave is the most relaxed and coherent brain wave read with an EEG machine. The Omega cardiovascular wave is the most relaxed wave read with an ECG machine.

Conclusion: How To Get into Heaven?

#Jesusiscomingonacloud #TheEightPrayerWatches #IntermittentFasting #CognitiveBrain #MentalHealth #PsychologicalTrauma #TraumaTreatment #TraumaSymptoms #Causesoftrauma #Fasting
  1. Heaven is not when we die. It is while we are alive. Matthew 22:32 says, “‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

  2. Luke 17: 34-35 says, “34 I tell you, in that night there will be two [a]men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. 35 Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. This is what happened to me and my daughter every time I would pray and go to heaven in my visions. These are visitations to heaven. My daughter stayed in the bed, and I went up. She was 4 years old at the time.

  3. John 1:4 says, “In him was life, and that life was the light of men.” This light of men is the nuclei within the human body. The nucleus in a cell is the heart of the cell, sort of speak, and it is comprised of at least one proton and a neutron. The proton gives the cell light because of its positive charge. The female body has about 26 trillion cells, and the male body has about 34 trillion cells. Each nucleus in every cell creates the accumulation of nuclei (nucleus plural) in the body.

  4. What happens during fasting is, the brain undergoes a process called neurogenesis. In this process the hippocampus births new neurons. This is why the Bible says that in order to get into heaven, you have to be born again. I completed a forty day fast, but you can intermittent fast daily if a no food fast is difficult for you to do.

  5. The reason why the Bible says, in order to get into heaven, you have to be like a child is this: Adult neurogenesis, the process by which neurons are generated in certain areas of the adult brain, declines in an age-dependent manner and is one potential target for extending cognitive health span. (Neurogenesis in aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases. 2022.) Children usually have all their neurons. Cell damage hasn’t occurred, and doesn’t occur until the child ages, goes through rejection in school, or home, and experiences the death of a neuron.

The point of it all is, you can experience heaven. The only way is through fasting and being born again, or as science would have it: allowing the hippocampus to birth new neurons through the process of neurogenesis. The Genesis of God, the light, in your body!

#Jesusiscomingonacloud #TheEightPrayerWatches #IntermittentFasting #CognitiveBrain #MentalHealth #PsychologicalTrauma #TraumaTreatment #TraumaSymptoms #Causesoftrauma #Fasting

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Cognitive function in brief. Linus Pauling Institute. (2023, December 22).,problem%20solving%2C%20and%20multitasking). professional, C. C. medical. (n.d.). DSM-5: What it is & what it Diagnoses. Cleveland Clinic.

McClellan, D., & Gillyard, C. (2019, August 27). Calming trauma - how understanding the brain can help. Calming Trauma - How Understanding the Brain Can Help.

Culig, L., Chu, X., & Bohr, V. A. (2022, June). Neurogenesis in aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Ageing research reviews.

#Jesusiscomingonacloud #TheEightPrayerWatches #IntermittentFasting #CognitiveBrain #MentalHealth #PsychologicalTrauma #TraumaTreatment #TraumaSymptoms #Causesoftrauma #Fasting

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Katherinne Stamper

As a single mom of three, managing my business while caring for my children is my top priority. I aim to care for your properties as if they were my own. Navigating property management in the city is our priority, including managing DHCR, HPD, the Department of Health, Section 8, and NYC accounting and reporting. At Dear Anaya, we empower victims of domestic violence with Biblical principles, working to restore families, support single mothers, and heal broken children.

Here’s How to Pray for Your Sick Child


Spiritual trauma | Revelation Explained II